
We've done some hard it's your turn!! Take any (or all if you're up to it) dreams described below and become the next J K Rowling by turning them into stories!!

Dream #1: 

I was in bed and something was calling me from under it. A child like voice so faint yet so ever present. I peaked under it to then find myself falling down a hole filled with all bright lights...

Dream #2:

My heightened smell helped lead me to her. That glossy white fur flowing in the midnight breeze, her blue eyes gleamed in the milky moonlight. Her howl sent my fur on edge; I could almost see the wispy notes fly into the sky. My usual dull world was brightened up by her, she was the only thing that mattered and I’d protect her with her with my life.

Dream #3:

I was playing chess with my friend Dan, as the game progressed I became aware we were turning into the chess pieces. One more round before I became check mated, I my life flashed across the mere board...

Dream #4:
The baby was lying on the floor staring at his parents who lay on their bed. They spoke softly to one another before playing a game of who can tickle the other more. Their giggles echoed across the room, under the midnight moons glow. Their next game turned into more of a rough and tumble soon to be followed by the simple giggles of children. At least it was my time to be played with; a simple baby doll.

Dream #5:
Flying through the air, I managed to let go of all my problems and grief’s. The breeze ran through my scruffy hair causing each strand of hair to come together in curls; a look I thought to be rather dashing. Below was the wonderful view of my home, the valleys, the lakes, it was home sweet home. I was free.

Dream #6:
In my dream I had a sensation of life, power and a sense of enlightenment. White fluffy clouds led the way to my destination, while causing me to become hungry, a craving for cotton candy. The way it melts on your tongue; soft at first then crunchy the next. The taste sensations of the strawberry to blueberry then mixing them both together create one big fluffy sugary mess. 

When you're done, we'd love to hear how you got on and even read the stories!! E-mail them to us at: and you never know - you may even get onto the blog!!

Happy writing

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